
CCS offers 15-minute  phone consults to discuss your needs and options for using our service. After selecting a day and time using the link below, a clinician will call you at that designated time to determine whether your needs are best met at CCS or elsewhere. The call will show up as unlisted or unknown on your phone for privacy. If you do not get a call within 5 minutes of your scheduled time, feel free to call our front desk at 317-940-9777. If you do not answer the call, you will need to schedule another time since CCS will not re-contact you. If you cannot find a time online, please either 给博彩平台排名办公室打电话 to get a phone consult scheduled or check back the next day, since new appointments will be added to our web portal each day.

通话期间, you can expect us to ask about your presenting concern and ask some questions to clarify the risk level and severity of your situation. Our goal using these phone appointments is to more quickly be able to point you in the right direction for help, which will typically be our service for brief individual  or 团体治疗, a single session consult with a clinician, or a referral to a community resource that is a better fit than CCS.

使用这个 link to schedule a brief phone consult with 咨询 Services.